In the leadup to our fundraiser, we are sharing this reading list of articles and papers that look at pinkwashing as a colonial tool in both Palestine and so-called Australia.

In supporting LGBTQ First Nations organisations such as Al Qaws and Black Rainbow it is important for us to educate ourselves on the ways that tactics such as pinkwashing can weaponise First Nations’ queer experiences to place them in opposition to their own communities, as well as obfuscate the violent reality of colonisation and occupation.

Here you will find both shorter introductory reads and longer research papers.

This is a non-exhaustive list and if you have any ideas for things to be added please get in touch!

Gay Rights as Human Rights: Pinkwashing Homonationalism by Maya Mikdashi

Decolonising the Queer movement in Australia: we need solidarity, not pink-washing by Maddee Clark

Queer Liberation & Palestine by alQaws

Beyond Propaganda: Pinkwashing as Colonial Violence by alQaws

Pinkwashing the past: gay rights, military history and the sidelining of protest in Australia by Tanja Dreher