Tzedek Collective was formed in response to a growing need among Jews in so-called Australia for an anti-zionist space based on the principle of doikayt (hereness) and committed to anticolonial action for furthering Indigenous sovereignty and Palestinian liberation. We’ve had enough of the overwhelming Zionism in our community; we’re looking to histories of Jewish resistance to forge our own path.

The Jewish value of tzedek is often used in contexts of charity, but more accurately describes justice work as a moral obligation. We want our community to be one of action, that works in solidarity with First Nations, Palestinian and refugee groups fighting colonialism wherever it may be.

In order to do this, we also need to develop the kind of cultural, spiritual, inclusive Jewish community that has strong ties with the broader community, and is able to show up when needed.

Tzedek Collective is based across the unceded Dharug and Tharawal lands that constitute so-called Sydney. We pay our respects to Elders throughout time. As we expand our connections to our Jewish cultures and histories, we pay respect to the knowledge embedded forever within Aboriginal custodianship of Country. Our activism is rooted in anti-colonial solidarity with First Nations worldwide.

For more information about our shared values, see our points of unity.