Category: resources

Tzedek Collective Haggadah

In preparation for Pesach next week, Tzedek Collective has developed a liberation haggadah [PDF download]. Most of this haggadah is not new; it draws (with permission) mainly from…

Antizionist Pesach FAQ

What is Pesach? Pesach, or Passover, is a major Jewish festival that traditionally celebrates the Exodus, as well as the beginning of spring (in the northern hemisphere) and…

A pathway to anti-Zionist Hanukkah

On 7 December, at 7:30pm AEDT, Tzedek Collective will host an online Hanukkah event. Please join us to discuss how to engage with this festival as anti-Zionists who…

Learn more about Palestine and anti-Zionism

This list of resources was developed for our support space event. While there are many more resources available, these have been chosen by Tzedek Collective members as suggested…

Invasion Day: Pay the Rent

January 26 is Invasion Day, a day when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the continent commemorate in unceded sovereignty their steadfast resistance to the colonial violence…

Reading list: Pinkwashing in Australia and Palestine

In the leadup to our fundraiser, we are sharing this reading list of articles and papers that look at pinkwashing as a colonial tool in both Palestine and…

Kea’s confronting doco: giving a voice to Australian Jews who question Zionism

It takes a brave person to tackle the State of Israel or Zionism publicly in Australia – especially when you’re Jewish. What comes next is often unpleasant and…

Peeling Back the Mythology of the Australian Jewish Left

While mainstream Australian Jewish institutions remain right-wing, Jewish communist, anti-fascist, and anti-colonial movements – and memories of them – are bubbling into awareness for many young Australian Jews….