What is Pine Gap doing right now, both to First Nations people and to the people of Palestine?
Dr Amy McQuire, Darumbal and South Sea Islander journalist (moderator)
Professor Richard Tanter, Nautilis Institute
Associate Professor Kathryn Gilbey, Batchelor Institute
Nasser Mashni, President, Australia Palestine Advocacy Network
Peter Cronau, Declassified Australia
This webinar, 7pm AEDT 27 March 2024, will feature Pine Gap expert, Professor Richard Tanter whose forthcoming paper, “Pine Gap, Gaza and Genocide”, will be summarised to spark discussion among the panelists on the role of Pine Gap in colonial violence and surveillance in Australia and Palestine.
This event is cosponsored by:
Medical Association for Prevention of War, Community Radio 3CR, Friends of the Earth, Australians for War Powers Reform, Renegade Activists Action Force, Black People’s Union , BDS Australia, MEAA members for Palestine, Independent & Peaceful Australia Network, ARENA, Digital Rights Watch, Australia Palestine Advocacy Network, Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition, International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons, Loud Jew Collective, Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition, Tzedek Collective, Teachers for Palestine Vic, Free Palestine Melbourne, Jews Against the Occupation ‘48, Wage Peace, Labor Friends of Palestine
Register here.